Our Phamily Mission

My name is Amy and my husband Kevin Pham and I are SUPER excited to be launching a Vietnamese marinade brand called Phamily Brand, and wanted to share it with you all! 
Growing up I loved to cook literally everything except Vietnamese food. As many of you can relate, Vietnamese parents don’t exactly teach us how to cook using exact measurements or any consistent recipes whatsoever. Most of their attempts to teach us how to cook involved eyeballing with a pinch of this and a dash of that, and then shooing us out of the kitchen to go study. After we got married and moved out on our own we immediately missed those home cooked Vietnamese comfort foods and we realized we couldn’t be the only ones.
With our busy schedules, most days we didn't have the time or brain space to cook anything more complicated than meat with a premade marinade or spice blend. It was then that we realized there weren't any premade Vietnamese marinades that were as convenient as KBBQ marinade or teriyaki sauce. Whenever we craved Vietnamese food (which was often) we would end up eating out, which made me very grateful for living in Little Saigon CA.
We decided to set out and make a marinade for one of my husband’s most beloved dishes, Vietnamese Shaken beef or Bo Luc Lac. I wanted to make a recipe that was as good or even better than what he remembered growing up. We tried every brand and combination of oyster sauce, sugars, and soy sauce we could find to make the perfect marinade. After months of trial and error and plenty of taste tests with friends and family we were finally down to one recipe that was so good that we felt we wanted to share this with everyone. And you guys, when I tell you it’s so frickin’ good, we literally eat this almost every day lol 🤤🤤🤤
I finally found the courage to pursue this sauce dream full time when I lost my big pharma job 6 months ago. Since then, my husband and I designed and launched our website, got our sauce tested for shelf stability, and jumped through hoops to get approved to operate out of a commercial kitchen. This past week we started bottling and are ready to start selling our Shaken Beef Marinade online!
So this goes out to all the second generation Vietnamese kids who never learned how to cook Viet food because they were too busy studying. To all the busy moms who only have 30 mins to get dinner on the table. To all the Vietnamese people who live too far from any decent viet restaurants and miss the taste of home. To all the non Vietnamese foodies who want to embrace and appreciate our culture, and to everyone in between. We made this for you!❤️
We are still in our humble beginnings and would really appreciate everyone’s support🙏 .